Ear Flushing at FootNurse

Ear irrigation (flushing) is a routine procedure used to remove excess earwax, or cerumen, and foreign materials and debris from the ear.

The ear naturally secretes wax to protect and lubricate the ear as well as to keep debris out and hinder bacterial growth. Under normal conditions, the body keeps the amount of earwax in the ears under control. Too much earwax or hardened earwax can cause a blockage in the ear, resulting in earaches, ringing in the ears, or temporary hearing loss.

Purpose of ear flushing:

The ear, especially the canal and eardrum, is very sensitive. Earwax buildup can cause damage to these structures over time. This can affect your hearing. Removing excess earwax with ear irrigation is a safe way to minimize the risk of damage to the ear.

Ear flushing process

Before your practitioner performs an ear flushing, they will look inside your ear by inserting an instrument called an otoscope into the opening of your ear. The otoscope shines a light into your ear and magnifies the image. The Nurse will ensure that your symptoms are the result of excess wax buildup and not something more serious. Sometimes if there is a significant amount of hard wax we may ask you to return after 1 week of applying mineral oil into your ear daily. This will soften the wax and allow your nurse to easily remove the buildup with ease.

If wax buildup is the issue, your nurse will perform the irrigation in their office using a pressurized bottle with a 3 way spraying tip. This tool will be used to insert water into the ear to flush out the wax. You may feel slight discomfort from the water in your ear or from holding your ear in place.

Ear Flushing Thunder Bay, Bionix, Ear irigation, FootNurse,Ear Flushing Thunder Bay, FootNurse, Bionix, Ear Wax removal


Risks of ear irrigation

Do not undergo ear flushing (either at home or at a doctor’s office) if you have a damaged eardrum, tubes in your ears, or a condition that weakens your immune system. You also should not receive ear flushing treatment if you have an active infection in your ear canal. While ear irrigation is a relatively common procedure, there are risks associated with it:

Otitis externa is a common complication. This is inflammation of the ear canal that could be caused by infection. It can be painful. Another potential complication is otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear that could also be caused by infection. Ear infections are one of the most common complications of ear irritations.

Perforated eardrum

Perforated eardrums are another potential complication of ear irrigation. In some cases, ear irrigation will press against the wax and make it more compacted. This makes it harder to remove and may put more pressure on the eardrum, increasing risk of perforation. In some cases, fluid becomes trapped in the ear canal and causes an increase in pressure that can rupture the eardrum.

Other complications

In rare cases, additional complications can occur. These include:

  • vertigo, which is the sensation of the room spinning in circles around you (typically temporary)
  • deafness, which can be temporary or permanent

Since earwax buildup can be harmful over time or be the result of other health conditions, see your doctor if your symptoms aren’t improving after at-home care. They may want to try other methods or send you to an ear specialist. Those who use hearing aids or ear plugs are especially prone to having earwax buildup. Additionally, cotton-tipped swabs should not be inserted into the ear canal, as these are known to push wax against the eardrum and ear canal.

Side effects

Many people experience a number of side effects from ear irrigation. These side effects are not typically as serious as the complications discussed above, but they can be uncomfortable.

Common side effects of ear irrigation include:

  • temporary dizziness
  • ear canal discomfort or pain
  • tinnitus, or ringing in the ears

Side effects are typically short-lasting and go away within a day. If you experience pain or discomfort that gets worse instead of better or have any other symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor. If you experience severe pain, make an appointment to see them right away in case you have a perforated eardrum or other ear damage.